
Today again I got up at 8AM. Wife was preparing some cake so helped her in decorating right away. Could start my daily routine only by 8:30AM

8:30AM to 9AM Drink water, morning fresh and bath.

9AM to 9:30AM getting kids ready for school

Exercise for 20 min. 

10AM send kids to school.

10:30AM- Met one friend. Chat till 12:30PM.

12:30PM to 1:40PM book writing

1:40Pm to 3PM . Lunch

3PM to 5PM - Shopping

5PM-5:30PM Office work

5:30Pm to 7PM : Dinner

7Pm to 8PM meditation and relax.

8Pm to 12:30AM office work

Productive time for my personal work was only 1 hour 10 min.

I finished writing first draft chapter 3 of my book " The productivity Sutra"

Plan is to finsih book by end of this month and do 2 round of editing.

Office work was for 4 hours. In between distraction and toggling with Mobile.
